Peace Doves For Israel, Palestine, Iran, Lebanon, Note Thank You Cards, Mid East Flag Card, Israel Palestine Conflict Sympathy Card by able6


Peace In The Middle East by able6

Where histories intertwine and clash,
A dream of peace, a fervent prayer, a lasting truce,
In Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria’s vast,
May hope replace the tears, and violence reduce.

Where ancient cities bear the scars of strife,
May healing hands rebuild, restore, renew,
In the heart of turmoil, a hopeful life,
May the promise of peace guide nations true.

In Israel’s light and Palestine’s embrace,
May a bridge of unity bloom, strong and wide,
As people of both lands find a common place,
Where understanding and love will coincide.

Lebanon, a land of courage and grace,
Amidst challenges, let harmony reside,
Let strife’s fierce storms give way to calm embrace,
In unity, the nation’s strength, amplified.

And Syria, where history’s treasures hide,
Amidst turmoil, may tranquility thrive,
In the shadows of conflict, may peace provide,
A chance for Syrian souls to hope, to strive.

In this cradle of civilization, may it be known,
The dream of peace is not to stand alone,
But as one people, with hearts that concur,
May love and understanding forever endure.

A region that has seen too many tears,
Deserves the respite of hope, free from fears,
May the winds of change, in a gentle breeze,
Guide Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria to peace.


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1. Each card is 5.5 x 5.5 inches
2. Handmade
3. Each card comes wrapped in its own plastic protector.
4. Envelopes included.


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